The Group met at 3 p.m. on 8th April with the theme ‘Motion’ hosted by Angie Sargean
5 people attended as Rosemary Crumplin had not recovered from a virus infection – partly the reason March’s meeting was abandoned. Angie Sargeant and Mike Liberson both had operations that precluded attendance.
Overall best picture was Angie Sargeant’s ‘Tree Surgeon’.
Angie is housebound and she was fortunate to see some tree pruning in a neighbour’s garden. Her garden windmill was also highly recommended as a good example of the theme.
The May theme is ‘Technology’. John Hawke encouraged members to discuss options for the theme as well as ideas for the June meeting ‘Bleak Landscapes’ – now was the time to take the photographs – one hopes that by June we might have better weather!