Anton U3A is a Registered Charity, number 1118642. It has its own website and has about 150 members and 18 interest groups. It is part
of the National U3A network whose website contains up to date guidance and policy. It stresses that each U3A has the ability to operate in a way which best meets individual needs within certain limits/boundaries.
The U3A Mission and Vision
The U3A Mission and Vision is found at the link U3A members are expected to conduct themselves within the movements “guiding principles”. Importantly this leads to:
Member Code of Conduct
- The member Code of Conduct clarifies the standard of behaviour expected as a member of a U3A.
- Members are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect at all times.
- Members are expected to know, follow and promote the Principles of the U3A Movement at every opportunity.
- Members must always act in the best interests of Anton U3A and the U3A
- Movement, strive to uphold its reputation and never do anything which could bring Anton U3A or the U3A Movement into disrepute or expose it to undue risk.
- Members are expected to use Anton U3A’s resources responsibly and only to further its stated charitable objects/purposes.
- Members are expected to reflect the current organisational policy of Anton U3A, regardless of whether it conflicts with their personal viewsMembers are expected to abide by Anton U3A’s procedures and practices.
Vulnerable Adults
- Everybody has different levels of vulnerability and each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time. All members who may be vulnerable have a right to protection from all types of harm or abuse. In all our activities we will:
a. Value, listen and respect members who may be vulnerable.
b. Ensure that all members feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse.
c. Recognise equality amongst people and relationships.
d. Do all we can to help members who may be vulnerable, to be and remain active contributors within U3A and if they are or become unable to participate independently, encourage them to bring a companion/carer with them in order that they can continue to enjoy the benefits of U3A membership.
e. Ensure all members are aware of their responsibilities to protect vulnerable adults.
Risk Management
Risk management forms part of our internal control and governance arrangements and it is acknowledged that efficient and effective management is important in order for us to achieve our charitable objectives. Anton U3A has reviewed potential risks and has systems and procedures in place to mitigate these and minimise the potential impact should any of them materialise.
U3A Members and Companions/Carers
U3A membership is open to everybody in their third age, namely those no longer in full time employment. U3As are self-help, co-operative organisations run entirely by the members for the members and therefore it is important that individuals are able to take full responsibility for their own participation in U3A interest groups and events. Should the situation arise when a member no longer feels confident that he/she can participate fully without needing help, it will be necessary for that person to be accompanied by a companion/carer who will be covered by the liability insurance provided by The Third Age Trust whilst in attendance. Even if you have members who are willing to help, you cannot allow them to take responsibility for another member’s care as this could be deemed to be outside our insurance cover if any injury or damage resulted.
Equal Opportunities
All U3As pursue an equal opportunities policy and as far as it is within their power to do so, provide equality of treatment to any person in their third age regardless of:
a. Educational background.
b. Sex (including gender reassignment).
c. Marital status (including civil partnership status).
d. Sexual orientation.
e. Race or racial group (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins).
f. Religion or belief.
g. Disability.
h. Social status