Contact Anton u3a Contact us with your comments, suggestions, questions Select from pull-down who to send your message to: Sharon King -- Chair Anton u3aJean Saunders -- Secretary Anton u3aCecil Rose - TreasurerTessa Cross -- Membership SecretaryWilson Carson -- Programme SecretaryAnne Bray -- TrusteeDiana Burrows -- TrusteeMaggie Cunniffe -- Trustee and Programme SecretaryTrevor McCullough - Art Group LeaderBarbie Morrey-Stone - Bridge Group LeaderLynda Stockings - Floral Art Group LeaderGillian Roberts - French ConversationMary Taylor - Genealogy GroupErica Tinsley - History GroupLeslie Ward - Mah Jong GroupAnn Truss - Petanque GroupJohn Hawke - Photography GroupRosemary Crumplin - Photography GroupGlennis Dale - Poetry GroupCecil Rose - Questers GroupDiane Richards - Reading Group 1Carole Leonard - Reading Group 2Barbara Dixon - Skittles GroupRobert Kemp - Walkers GroupKeith Saunders - Site Administrator Your Name (required) Your Email Address (required) Your Phone Number (required) Are you a Anton U3A Member? YesNo Your Comments/Questions Δ