Who’s Who at Anton U3A

You can contact any of the members using the “Contact Us” page

The following belong to the Anton U3A Committee

          • Sharon King — Chairperson Anton U3A
          • Vacant — Vice Chairperson Anton U3A
          • Jean Saunders — Secretary Anton U3A
          • Cecil Rose — Treasurer
          • Tessa Cross — Membership Secretary
          • Wilson Carson — Programme Secretary
          • Maggie Cunniffe — Programme Secretary
          • Anne Bray — Committee Member
          • Diana Burrows — Committee Member
          • Lynda Stockings — Committee Member
          • Barbie Morrey-Stone — Committee Member
        • The following are the Leaders and Organisers for the associated 
          • Trevor McCullough – Art Group Leader
          • Barbie Morrey-Stone – Bridge Group Leader
          • Lynda Stockings – Floral Art Group Leader
          • Gillian Roberts – French Conversation
          • Mary Taylor – Genealogy Group
          • Erica Tinsley – History Group
          • Leslie Ward – Mah Jong Group
          • Ann Truss – Petanque Group
          • John Hawke – Photography Group
          • Glennis Dale – Poetry Group
          • Cecil Rose – Questers Group
          • Diane Richards – Reading Group 1
          • Carole Leonard – Reading Group 2
          • Barbara Dixon – Skittles Group
          • Robert Kemp – Walkers Group