Questers visit to Boscombe Down Aviation Collection




Sixteen Questers gathered at Old Sarum Airfield to view their collection; it was emphasized that it was not a museum because we were encouraged to touch the exhibits and sit in the cockpits of some exhibits.  The group initially listened to a lecture from one of the managers explaining the origins of the collection which all required the provenance of being the actual planes tested at RAF Boscombe Down for aspects of aero safety, flight development or type approval for the services. This activity started at Boscombe Down airfield in 1939.

The collection started when old planes which had completed their test programmes were placed in a dumping area which was periodically cleared by scrap merchants, and this practice was stopped by a far-sighted senior officer who could see that these planes would make the basis of a unique collection.  The collection is entirely maintained by volunteers who (mostly) have had many years’ experience of working at Boscombe Down either flying or maintaining/modifying some of the planes. The collection covers (mostly) the development of jet powered flight. It follows that they had a comprehensive knowledge of the collection.


Mention should also be made of the mechanical skills of some of the volunteers who have fully renovated some of the exhibits, constructed a replica WW1 era DH 2E and constructed the nose cone of a WW2 Lancaster bomber, amongst  other projects.  The collection also included quite a few RR engines and other component parts.

This is a gem of a collection dating from the period when British companies led the world in advanced powered flight; and really needs to be seen to be appreciated.


Norma Bryan


The Group met at 10:15 a.m. on 9th September with the theme ‘Summer Events’.

Only 5 people attended John Clark being absent. Rosemary Crumplin was welcomed back from her recent cruise around the British Isles and the Azores.

With such a small number, it was surprising that a unanimous vote for best picture was given to Anjie Sargeant’s ‘Andover Carnival’.


September’s Theme is ‘Autumn Colour’.

John Hawke stated that this theme should not restrict itself to foliage changes but the use of the ‘golden hours at sunrise and sunset of any subject.

Anjie Sargeant showed her photograph album from her recent holiday based at Lake Como with many stunning pictures.


Some camera issues were discussed including the use of menu settings for digital  zoom and minimising noise when using it.





A visit is planned to the Twyford Waterworks on Sunday 06 October 2024.

Twyford Waterworks is an Edwardian pumping station containing a unique selection of buildings and machinery within a rural downland setting in the heart of Hampshire. The first well was completed in 1898 and operations had commenced by 1900. The site was given the status of a Scheduled Ancient Monument in 1973.

The main buildings present a coherent set of high-quality public works buildings of the early twentieth century. The older sections have escaped demolition and thus a complete series of steam, diesel, separate d.c. motors and modern submersible electric pumps is still available for the public to view and, in many cases, see in operation.

We will be taken on a 1 to 1 ½ hour guided tour of the site and see many of the machines in operation. The guide will explain the history and operations of this major historic Hampshire water supply facility. The tour will commence when the gates open at 11:00.

This will be a self-drive visit and the site is about a 30-minute drive from Andover. It is located at Hazeley Road, Twyford, Hampshire SO21 1QA.

Most of the site is located on flat terrain and is fully accessible. Two portions are, however, accessed up some steps. There is seating in the Discovery Zone where an audio-visual tour of the site plays.

There is a tearoom on site and an outdoor BBQ will be in operation.

Suitable, comfortable footwear is essential for this activity. Please also bring weather suitable clothing as we will be outdoors for parts of the tour.

The cost of the visit is £6 per person which includes entry ticket and the guided tour of the venue. It does not include lunch and other refreshments.

Final details will follow nearer the date, but in the meantime all members who wish to join this visit should advise the organiser :

Cecil Rose            0794 336 3350

Payment to be made to the Treasurer at

Anton U3A (Business Account)                         Sort code 40-08-28                            Account 7158 7986

As a reference, please indicate what the payment is for and follow this with your membership number.

Eg         Twyford 36 & 37

Your number is shown on your membership card for 2024/25 – if you do not have this, please contact the Membership Secretary or Treasurer.


Images and some text from Twyford Waterworks Trust website.