The Group met at 10:15 on 11th April with the theme ‘Group of Three’. Of the six portfolios submitted, John Hawke was voted best set of four and his photograph of three ‘Starlings on the Somerset Levels’ was voted Best Picture. (click on picture to enlarge it)
Theresa Twitchell was given an honourable mention for ‘Three Colour Pencils’.
Discussions centred on macrophotography. Initial comments concerned using the macro function on fixed lens cameras with the conclusion that it was better to use a sharply focused zoom setting with subsequent cropping to fill the frame.
John Hawke discussed the use of extension tubes to create macro photographs for cameras with interchangeable lenses – a cheap option to a dedicated macro lens. Theresa Twitchell showed her album of superb macro photographs submitted as part of a past photography course.
The need to be aware of unwanted/misaligned objects in the background of pictures were also emphasised!
Pam Liberson announced that HP had acknowledged that their printer was faulty and it had been replaced – both hers and Mike Liberson’s prints were well colour balanced as a result.