AHA Group Visit to Gurkha Museum – Winchester

The AHA Group had planned a visit to the above venue for Friday 27th May, unfortunately due to the lack of interest this was sadly cancelled.

Members have been asking for guided tours etc. and it was thought that this met the bill, with a 45-minute introduction into the Nepalese culture, dress, beliefs, landscape, and history of the country. This would have led to the connection with the Gurkha Regiment and the British Armed Forces. In addition, this was local and not a full day just over in Winchester.

We try to bring all aspects of interest into the AHA group and this museum visit was considered to have brought more than just a military interest.

If anyone has a particular interest / idea of a venue that may be considered of general interest to others, as previously said, “all suggestions are most welcome”.

We do hope that you will continue to support the AHA subgroup – Anton u3a, and in particular the June function which is a walk/talk by David Richards around Stratford sub Castle and its connection to the old Rotten Borough of Old Sarum via the Pitt family.
Prepared by:
Rosemary Crumplin-Clark

Posted in Art, History and Architecture.