Photography Group meeting September 2023

The Group met at 10:15 on 11th September with the theme ‘Black and White’.

Pam and Mike Liberson sent their apologies. Only 4 people attended.

Member’s responses to the theme were wide ranging as would be expected. Overall best picture was John Hawke’s ‘Bubbles’  – contrary to comments from those present, the glass contained just-poured soda on ice. (no Gin)

October’s theme is ‘Harvest’.

There was some discussion centred on road trips made to find working combine harvesters in the area with varying success. It would appear that such trips provided photographs for future themes! Further discussions deviated from photography per se thus emphasising the best of the U3A – companionship.

                                  Bubbles – John Hawke

Photography Group August Meeting

The Group met at 10:15 on 14th August with the theme ‘Shadows’.

Anjie Sargeant and Teresa Twitchell sent their apologies. Only 5 people attended.

Member’s responses to the theme were mainly exterior pictures. Overall best pictures were John Hawke’s ‘Alium’  and Rosemary Crumplin’s ‘Ghostly Lady’ – a tied result because of low attendance numbers!

                                  Ghostly Lady – Rosemary Franklin


                              Alium – John Hawke

September’s theme is ‘Black and White’.

John Hawke gave some advice on camera settings on a subject that could produce very bland results. Discussing the exposure triangle, he emphasised various settings to make the photo ‘pop’ – mainly by using a wide aperture (low f-stop) to bring out the subject against a blurred background. He also suggested that the theme was best suited to simple shots. Landscapes were best avoided unless one could accentuate shadows to enhance the ‘mood’ of the picture. He suggested that the menu be set for monochrome – this has the advantage that the screen would also be monochrome and the aperture/speed changes would more accurately reflect the final result. Finally he suggested that, with the camera set on ‘Manual’, it would let the photographer to get the depth of field and contrast required.

Photography Group July Meeting

The Group met at 10:15 on 10th July with the theme ‘Ruins or Decay’.

Pam and Mike Liberson and Teresa Twitchell sent their apologies. Only 4 people attended.

Member’s responses were varied with photographs of both ruins and decay in their portfolios. Overall best picture was John Clark’s ‘Derelict Caravan’  – a serendipity shot!

August’s theme is ‘Shadows’.

The meeting was foreshortened because John Hawke had an afternoon commitment.

There was some debate regarding holding meetings in July/August in future as it was a holiday season – it was decided that, as most members took their holidays outside of prime season, to continue the meetings throughout the summer.