The Group met at 10:15 a.m. on 9th September with the theme ‘Summer Events’.

Only 5 people attended John Clark being absent. Rosemary Crumplin was welcomed back from her recent cruise around the British Isles and the Azores.

With such a small number, it was surprising that a unanimous vote for best picture was given to Anjie Sargeant’s ‘Andover Carnival’.


September’s Theme is ‘Autumn Colour’.

John Hawke stated that this theme should not restrict itself to foliage changes but the use of the ‘golden hours at sunrise and sunset of any subject.

Anjie Sargeant showed her photograph album from her recent holiday based at Lake Como with many stunning pictures.


Some camera issues were discussed including the use of menu settings for digital  zoom and minimising noise when using it.

Posted in Photography Group.