Photography Group January Meeting

The Group met at 10:15 a.m. on 20th January with the theme ‘Past Holidays’.

Only 5 people attended – with such a small number, a unanimous vote for best picture was given to Pam Liberson’s ‘Fighting Monkeys.’

The theme and date were changed to accommodate Anjie Sargeant’s date for her second hip replacement. ‘Past Holidays’ was a departure from the group’s usual practice of a theme that encouraged people to go out and take recent pictures. All the photographs submitted were of excellent quality and the stories behind why they were chosen proved both interesting and entertaining – one was taken over 40 years ago!

Because of upcoming long term treatment for Pam Liberson – effectively reducing the group to only 3 people – it was decided to postpone the February meeting until March.

Apart from lengthy discussions of health problems, Mike Liberson and John Hawke  examined the difference between bracketing exposures (for enhancing dynamic range) and focus stacking (to provide greater depth of field). The use of presets were also explained with particular reference to editing in programs such as Photoshop, Lightroom and Affinity Pro.

Posted in Photography Group.