Photography Group August Meeting

Best Picture; Grey Wagtail by Pam Liberson Click the image to enlarge it

It was a very lively meeting on Monday 9th August to discuss 4 portfolios with the theme of Garden/Park birds. End of July/August is when adult birds go into moult and vanish, although a lot of juveniles were hammering the feeders in Whitchurch – not the best of themes then!. First the hot sun bleached the bird colours followed by dark days where shutter speeds of 1/2000 were not feasible without increasing the ISO to produce a grainy result. The overall quality of the pictures were very good to excellent.​

Best portfolio was by John Hawke and best individual photograph was of a Grey Wagtail by Pam Liberson. See all the pictures on the Group’s webpage

John Hawke gave a short presentation of a nature-themed tour of Costa Rica concentrating on the more colourful birds and other reptiles and animals.

Photography Group’s Outdoor Session

Rosemary Crumplin

Rosemary Crumplin

Rosemary Crumplin

The first outdoor meeting at St Mary Bourne was not a resounding success – 4 people turned up on the day, Rosemary and husband John Clark with John Hawke and his wife (along for the ride). This was followed by a round table meeting on 13 July that featured Rosemary, John Clark and John Hawke only.

Rosemary Crumplin

Best Picture John Clark Mediaeval Basalt Font

Highlights of the visit, apart from the magic of thatched houses, was the huge graveyard attached to the church and a friendly churchyard gardener who directed us to a thriving meadow liberally sprinkled with Pyramidal Orchids.

The theme for August is ‘Garden/Park Birds’ with, hopefully, a round table meeting on Monday August 9th at 10 a.m.