Report from the Chairman of Anton u3a
Three words are used by u3a to describe the organisation and they can certainly be applied to Anton : Live, Laugh and Learn.
We have 113 paid members to date, we have welcomed new people and lost a few members, some of them founders of the branch. We need new members to ensure that we develop our interests, continue to enjoy ourselves and widen our social activities.
Attendance at meetings is gradually increasing, learning is supported through the variety of speakers arranged by Wilson. It gives us the opportunity to get out and about and catch up with each other and have a laugh. Suggestions for speakers are always welcome, Maggie Cunniffe is taking over the role. My thanks to Wilson for his hard work in putting together a great programme.
Our groups continue to flourish and reflect our many interests, they can be found on the website. Thanks to all the leaders who work so hard to facilitate their continued functioning for our enjoyment. I hesitate to select one group but feel I owe a big ’thank you’ to the Questers committee who has organised such a varied, enjoyable and educating programme. It takes an incredible amount of time liaising with all the agencies necessary for a successful visit.
Annual events are organised for later this year- the Summer Picnic (14th August) and Christmas Lunch (16th December). Thanks to Robert Kemp for his work both last year and this.
The Officers and Committee have to supported me in my position as Chairman and for that they have my thanks. Our finances are in a strong position thanks to the hard work of our Treasurer, Cecil Rose. Di Burrows has continued to organise the raffle that raises funds for the Summer Picnic, thank you.
Whilst offering thanks I would like to include the Web Master, Keith Saunders, who is not actually a member, for supporting our work in such an valuable way.
A number of members have voiced disappointment that a newsletter is no longer produced, although information is available on the web-site it is satisfying to peruse less formal information about our groups, also it acted as a reminder of dates for annual events and future activities. Is there a volunteer with the necessary skills and time who would be willing to reinstate this enjoyable periodical?
Lastly, thanks to you all for your continued support of Anton.
Lynda Stockings
May 2024